Friday, May 25, 2007

Weigh-in and Friday Menu

I usually weigh in on Fridays and for some reason I was terrified to step on the scale this morning. I have a funny relationship with the scale. On one hand, it's good to be accountable and track weight before it gets out of control. That being said, it's so disappointing and unmotivating to see a gain, especially when I try so hard all week.

This week I didn't try that hard. Monday was a holiday so I just lounged around - normally I am up with the birds and at the gym before work. Also I drank a lot last weekend and went to a BBQ and didn't count points, although I tried to add them up in my head. I only went to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday of this week because I am fighting a cough combined with allergies. Excuses excuses.

Anyway, I bit the bullet and got on the scale. I am up 1.2 pounds which is frustrating because that's what I lost last week, but not really that bad in the grand scheme of things. AND I did work out last night which causes water retention AND I didn't eat dinner until almost 10pm. AND then I made more chocolate chip banana bran muffins and ate 2. So it's my own fault really. One would think I would be extra careful on Thursday nights since I weigh in on Fridays but it seems like I'm sabotaging myself by eating late and more than I usually would, or saving my points for evening snacking, etc.

This weekend I am going to try and not overindulge. If I can weigh in at the same weight on Monday I'll be very pleased. Weekends are my weakness!

B: chocolate chip banana bran muffin (1)
coffee (0)

S: reduced sugar oatmeal (2)
1/2 cup blackberries (0)

L: pc blue menu spinach and cheese cantelloni (4)
yogurt (1)

S: caramel chocolate chip rice cake (1)
2 tbsp PB2 peanut butter (1)
apple (1)

D: Who knows? Maybe a grilled chicken burger? Mmmmmm.

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