20 minutes!!! without stopping! i could hardly believe it. i thought about going for 30, but i was pretty pooped and it was getting to the point where i felt that if i pushed it more, i would be encroaching on bum pain territory. still, it felt great to run again. i am going to poo-poo doing the couch to 5k again when obviously i don't need to. i am just going to run when i feel confident and pain-free.
i'm tired today because i stayed up until 1:30am finishing the fourth twilight book. the fourth one is definitely the worst. still good, but by the end i could take it or leave it. but what do you expect? the magic to continue forever? it's like this with any good series... take the outlander series, by diana gabaldan. same thing.
this morning i went for a 30 minute swim. i'm feeling pretty good because i am on top of job applications, have been exercising and eating within my points, and my apartment is clean. also i hung up some new pictures. i got the frames from ikea and then bought a cheap marilyn monroe calendar from chapters, and used some of the photos from that as art. see for yourself. the middle is colour and her lips match the couch, and the two on the outside are black and white. ooh la la.
Your place looks fantastic!! that was a really good idea with the calendar (and I love the Audrey picture...I want the same one, Ikea right?? we have a really big wall going up stairs - just an open area - and my stepdad suggested that we make a collage of paintings and that Audrey has to be a part of it I think!!!)
YAY for running!!! You are awesome!!
I second that: "Yay for running!!!"
Good job on the running! I just got back from an hour on the elliptical ad I'm pooped. And grossly sweaty :( Too bad about the 4th book! I am in the middle of the second. THe suspense is killing me!
Oh that would be such a fun way to exercise on the treadmill, to pretend it's your running buddy next to you!
RYC: I'd describe the pomagranate as sweet/tart/juicy/chewy blasts of yumminess :-D
Love the pictures. Your place looks really classy. I love Marilyn Monroe!
do you need a part time roomie?
I wont bring the Toddler Tornado!
Love the new pics -- calendars are so darned handy!
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