Wednesday, April 1, 2009

physical or mental pain

yesterday wasn't the best day. one of my going-to-work highways was blocked so i was redirected in the morning and had to take a road with many stoplights which almost made me late for work. i wasn't phewf! right now in the car i'm listening to to kill a mockingbird by harper lee. i have got to say, it's so much better than i remember it being when i read it in high school ... or whenever that was. the actress sissy spacek is reading it and while i find her kind of irritating to look at on film, her voice is very fitting.

today i was going to venture down to the weight room at work and start my new weight lifting routine. i am a bit apprehensive ... just silliness because i don't know who is going to be there or if they have a set routine or if i'm going to get in someone's way ... that sort of ridiculousness. i'm sure it will be fine. it's like the first time doing anything - scary, but once you do it - it ain't no thang but a chicken wang.

i was all ready to go down, but about an hour before lunch i started feeling intensely queasy. throw up sick kind of feeling. not good. i really thought i might heave ho. i thought maybe i'm thirsty. nope. maybe i'm hungry. nope. maybe i need to take an "aleve" that my friend gave to me for bum pain purposes ... maybe that worked because the pain did go away, but not until lunch was almost over. i just sat at my desk. boo.

so. my plan is to go today at lunch. what's stopping me but nothing? exactly. my workout clothes are already at work - i just have to step up to the plate. i don't need to hit it out of the park, i just need to swing. do you like my baseball analogies? i do. sort of ... baseball can be dull. except of course during the seventh inning stretch when people madly rush out and sweep the plates on the field, and the team mascot shoots hotdogs into the crowd out of a giant shooter hotdog. fun. :)

yesterday after work i went straight to the pool for a swim. i was done at 5:30pm, which left me lots of time to myself. nice. tonight is date night. i have to vacuum before my boyfriend comes over. for some reason, i think i need to vacuum more than regular people. maybe it's because i have a cat, but it's not like i'm vacuuming up only hair. it's one of life's great mysteries.


Jaime said...

I am so totally the same way. Doing things the first time is scawy! Glad you feel better sucks when you are ill for no apparent reason.

Vacuuming is one of those things. I feel like I should be doing it every day.

Shirls said...

my first time at the work gym was a push to get there too, but now I go every day I'm at work and I'm so lucky to have it, its a matter of taking the leap and like you said its really all in your own head..

my sister has an obsession with the vacuum, seriously she gets the shakes if she doesn't do it daily, never understood it.. LOL

Amanda said...

I'm exactly the same way with a new gym or class. It always takes me awhile before I build up the courage to go, even though I'm being completely silly. I still haven't tried any of the classes at my gym because of it! Will have to conquer that.

I think I have the same Yoga Jeans. Although I gather that you are much taller than me so they probably look twice as awesome. I am totally going back for the black ones once I have some more cash.

Did you check out the rest of the store at all? I'm in love with the feathered head pieces. Was planning on buying one yesterday, but I really shouldn't be spending $75 on something so frivolous.

Randi said...

I completely understand the uncomfortableness of starting to work out at work. Ridiculousness like that always gets to me. I have no courage, I need a trip to Oz.

Jen said...

I have to vacuum every single hair is everywhere, plus we have 2 cats and a dog that thinks we live in the tropics right now or something because he is shedding like NOBODYS business!!!

I love your little cartoon there - and oddly, I love the chicken wings with the 2 bones!! those are my favories!!! I hate the other kind!